- Stats: 1481 0
- Author: Linda
- Posted: February 27, 2019
- Category: Sun Life Financial
Living life to the fullest – that’s true wealth too!
In a recent survey by Sun Life Financial Inc. only 46% of Quebecers say they feel confident about their financial health, and more than 6 out of 10 say they are not prepared for the unexpected. At a time when talking about money is still a sensitive topic, Sun Life is helping Quebecers achieve lifetime financial well-being.
“To us, financial well-being means feeling comfortable about meeting your financial obligations. We want our Clients to have the financial freedom to live life to the fullest, and also feel confident that they can handle what life throws their way. That’s why we’ve launched several creative initiatives to share tips and tools that will help people make the right choices,” said Brigitte Dagnault, Assistant Vice-President, Marketing and Communications, Sun Life Financial, Quebec.
An idea a day for 365 days
At the beginning of the year, we launched a social media campaign with the theme “365 days of financial well-being” (#365joursdeBienÊtreFinancier) during which an original idea is posted each day about financial well-being and healthy lifestyles. Quebec personalities—including Isabelle Racicot, Alexandre Despatie and PL Cloutier—signed on to share their own tips. The topics that will be addressed throughout the year include consumer habits, travel, health, sustainability, the home, insurance, retirement and saving money, to name a few! Retirement planning is often top of mind in January, and the thousands of internet users we reached that month were mainly interested in the articles about RRSPs, working after retirement and setting financial goals.
This campaign resulted in a partnership with Florence-Élyse Ouellette, a popular YouTuber and content creator, who talked candidly about her finances on social media and shared money-saving tips with her followers. A Facebook Live event was held on January 16 with Florence-Élyse and Christiane Van Bolhuis, a Sun Life financial planner, who answered participants’ questions about personal finances.
Porte-Monnaie: helping millennials take charge of their finances
Since March 2018, Sun Life has partnered with Quebecor to talk money with millennials through Porte-Monnaie, the first online brand of its kind. Porte-Monnaie is hosted on the Journal de Montréal website and addresses the topic of money in a straightforward, relevant, engaging and positive way to get Generation Y to take an interest – and take action – when it comes to their personal finances. Porte-Monnaie content has racked up over three million page views since the initiative launched. Among the approximately 350 articles available, those pertaining to travel, credit history, debt and local entrepreneurs have generated the most interest.
Parcours Simplement Brillant, a unique experience for Quebecers
The Parcours Simplement Brillant is a fun, interactive journey that helps educate people about their personal finances and provides tips for improving their financial well-being. Building on its success from the summer of 2018, the Parcours Simplement Brillant will continue to captivate Quebecers with a completely new augmented reality journey. An online version will be available this spring so even more people can give this unique educational experience a try. In 2018, one-in-ten Quebecers tried their hand at this groundbreaking initiative during dozens of events across the province. Read the article available on Sun Life’s website to learn more.
sunlife.ca: A wealth of information
The Learn & Plan section of sunlife.ca includes an abundance of articles providing advice on a variety of topics to help Quebecers prepare for key life events. Whether they’re starting a family, buying a home, managing a career, taking charge of their health or planning for retirement, Sun Life has tips and tools to help people make informed choices. An average of 250 French-language articles
SOURCE Sun Life Financial Canada