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Join @TangerineBank on April 10, 2019 at 8pm ET for the #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney Twitter Chat! Guest @RobinTaub will be here to answers your questions. No RSVP | $500 in Prizing. http://bit.ly/2U5y0ji #AD

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Twitter Party Alert! Join the Teach Your Kids About Money Twitter Chat with @TangerineBank and guest @RobinTaub. No RSVP | $500 in Prizing. http://bit.ly/2U5y0ji #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney #AD |

Promo Image with Robin Taub
Join the Teach Your Kids About Money Twitter Chat with @TangerineBank and Guest @RobinTaub on April 10, 2019 at 8pm E. No RSVP | $500 in Prizing. http://bit.ly/2U5y0ji #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney #AD

Robin Taub Image

Join us at the Teach Your Kids About Money Twitter Chat with @TangerineBank on April 10,

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T-1 hour until the Teach Your Kids About Money Twitter Party with @TangerineBank and @RobinTaub! http://bit.ly/2U5y0ji #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney #AD

T-30 minutes until the Teach Your Kids About Money Twitter Party with @TangerineBank and @RobinTaub! http://bit.ly/2U5y0ji #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney No RSVP | $500 in prizing! #AD

T-15 minutes until the Teach Your Kids About Money Twitter Party with @TangerineBank and @RobinTaub! http://bit.ly/2U5y0ji #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney No RSVP | $500 in prizing! #AD

8:05pm | Q1. Who taught you about money, how old were you, and what did they teach you? #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney |
8:10pm | Q2. Are you better at managing your finances than your parents? In what ways? #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney
8:14pm | Q3. Do you have money habits that you hope your kids don’t pick up? What are they? #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney
8:27pm | Q4. How do you handle the requests for all of your kids’ wants? #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney |
8:32pm | Q5. Do you give your kids an allowance? Tell us why you do or don’t and how it works in your family. #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney
8:40pm | Q6. How do you teach your kids about money? #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney
8:47pm | Q7. Do your kids have a piggy bank/bank account? If so, what are the rules for spending? #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney
8:52pm | Q8. At what age do you think your kids should learn about investing, and why? #TeachYourKidsAboutMoney