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Book Cover and Quote
Book Cover and Image of Cait Flanders
Image of Cait Flanders
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Q1. How do you feel about your personal spending right now?
Q2. What are your values? Not the values of your family or friends. YOUR values. What makes you happy and what do you want out of life?
Q3. Can you remember the last 5 purchases you made? (Physical items you brought into your home, aside from groceries.)
Q4. Have you used each of the items you bought? And are you happy with them all?
Q5. Looking back now, did those purchases align with your values? Would you change any of those spending decisions?
Q6. Have you ever stopped before making a purchase and asked yourself: am I buying this for the real me, or the ideal me?
Q7. What are some of the financial decisions you’ve made recently that you are proud of yourself for?
Q8. Are there any financial goals you are working towards right now? (Big or small!)
Q9. How do you want to feel about your spending at the end of the year?
Quotes from Cait