- Stats: 1544 0
- Author: Money Bloggess
- Posted: October 10, 2017
- Category: Uncategorized
FinCon 2017
If you are a blogger with a blog that focuses on finance then you will be familiar with FinCon. If you are a newbie, then you just might want to consider attending this industry event.
FinCon is a peer conference for the money media community. At the annual event each Fall,
- attendees connect with others in the community,
- learn to create, promote, and profit from compelling online content, and
- discover new trends in personal finance and investing.
Originally called the Financial Blogger Conference, the event was shortened to simply “FinCon” to reflect changes to the scope of the attendees.
FinCon’s Mission
“To support the movement that is reaching millions of people with a positive money message.”
FinCon’s Strategy
FinCon events focus on two strategies:
Provide a “real world” connection for the people who enjoy new media (i.e. blogging, social media) and finance (personal finance, money, investing, etc.).
Provide a peer education in current consumer financial trends, as well as trends and tactics in new media (e.g. blogging, monetization, social media, etc.).
We also have a lot of fun with social and community events!
At FinCon you will learn what’s new in the financial world and you will learn how to use a blog and other new media to their fullest potential.
Who Attends FinCon?
- The majority of their attendees are digital content creators in personal finance and investing. You can find their content on premier personal finance and investing web sites (blogs, magazines, newspapers), iTunes, radio, and YouTube.
- FinCon brings together a diverse group of “money mediapreneurs”. The average age is 36 and males/females are represented 50/50. 95% of the attendees are based in the U.S..
- 21% of attendees maintain financial certifications like Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Financial Analyst, and Certified Public Accountant.
- 30% of attendees are published authors with books on personal finance and investing.]
- 46% of attendees write for other publications as freelancers, while maintaining their own online platform.earn what’s new in the financial world and you will learn how to use a blog and other new media to their fullest potential.
Register Today!
Click here to register today!
Like FinCon on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/finconexpo
Join FinCon Group on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4108428/profile
Follow FinCon on Twitter: https://twitter.com/fincon